This project spans 14 counties across the state and includes public outreach and negotiating lease agreements with landowners for a community solar project. These types of programs are designed to expand access to renewable energy, and BRI is working on pre-development lease options, targeting primarily large vacant or agricultural properties.

What Inspired Us:
Though solar energy currently only provides a small portion of the world's electricity; it is undeniably the future. BRI is excited to be at the forefront as the solar industry moves toward sustainability and widespread adoption. 

Friant Water Authority (FWA) Friant-Kern Canal Subsidence Correction Project

The project will involve both canal section rehabilitation and modification in addition to construction of a parallel canal throughout a 22-mile long portion of the existing canal, focusing on the areas most impacted most by subsidence. The purpose of the project is to correct subsidence impacts, particularly in the southern portion of the canal. BRI was involved throughout the planning phase and minimized project impacts to surrounding parcels.

What Inspired Us:
Enabling the safe delivery of high-quality, dependable water to agricultural land, farms, and the communities that feed the country.  

Citrus Heights Water District (CHWD) District-Wide Land Rights Inventory Project

The District-Wide Land Rights Project was conceived and designed to ensure all water facilities and operations were protected. BRI first conducted a thorough inventory of existing easements provided by CHWD to expose gaps in land rights coverage. We researched the gaps to identify any easements, public utility easements and verified facilities within existing public right of ways. BRI was responsible for the land rights inventory and research phases, as well as subsequent acquisition and GIS indexing.

What Inspired Us:
BRI was uniquely positioned for this project by having unmatched land rights experience and expertise in conducting land rights research, interpreting legal descriptions, and plotting easement boundaries for GIS spatial data creation.

Southern California Edison Company (SCE) Valley South Subtransmission Project

This 15-mile project includes the modification and upgrade of the existing Valley Substation, sub-transmission poles and overhead lines, distribution, and telecommunication facilities including 12-miles of new overhead sub-transmission lines in southwestern Riverside County. For this project, BRI is providing appraisal and acquisition services for 90+ parcels required to construct from public agencies and private property owners.

What Inspired Us:
As agents working on the front line of some of the Northern California fire damage, it’s so important to us that these utilities be upgraded appropriately and made as safe as possible for the communities they serve.

San Bernardino County Transportation Authority West Valley Connector Project – Segment 2

The West Valley Connector Project is a two phase, 35-mile-long bus rapid transit project. The project is located in San Bernardino County and will have limited stops and will provide speed and quality improvements to the public transit system within the corridor. BRI is responsible for Segment 2, consisting of thirty-eight (38) partial acquisitions and temporary construction easements. The impacts are predominantly to commercial properties, including commercial shopping centers, two (2) shopping malls, used car lots, office buildings, restaurants and two (2) hotels.

What Inspired Us:
Ontario is an area in transition in terms of development. We were inspired by the opportunity to make way for better public transportation access, which will allow the area to continue its revitalization.

City of Manteca SR 120
McKinley Avenue Interchange Project

The project is a partial cloverleaf interchange within the jurisdictional limits of both the City of Manteca and San Joaquin County. BRI is providing right of way services for the 28 impacted parcels, including relocation services for 11 residential households and one business, a veterinary office.

What Inspired Us:
BRI has always been passionate about understanding the needs of the agricultural community and we are excited to see this project move forward, as it will allow for a freer movement of goods and help them get their products to market more efficiently.

San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E) Company Cleveland National Forest Utility Upgrade Project

This project plans to replace and upgrade existing 69kV and 12kV electrical facilities within the Cleveland National Forest and adjoining private property in eastern San Diego County. BRI is acquiring permanent and temporary easements from 220 parcels on eight 69kV transmission lines and 82 parcels on eight 12kV distribution circuits.

What Inspired Us:
The new weatherized steel poles closely resemble wood poles to better blend into the surrounding areas, but they are stronger and more fire-resistant.

Delta Conveyance Design and Construction Authority State Water Project

The project will construct one or two large, four-story tall tunnels to carry freshwater from the Sacramento River under the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta toward southern intake stations. This is the largest water project in the state and the construction and operation of the project will depend on the acquisition of land rights for permanent and temporary use from up to 300 properties.

What Inspired Us:
To establish a stronger water delivery infrastructure for California and the 25 million people depending on clean water.

San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) Mid-Coast Corridor Transit Project

BRI provides On-Call right of way services as needed. BRI currently has 7 project task orders open with SANDAG, the largest of which is for the Mid-Coast Corridor Transit Project, which is an 11-mile extension of the existing San Diego Trolley from north of the Old Town Transit Center to University City. Participation in this project has enhanced the opportunities to work with multiple agencies in the Region. This project is currently under construction and is the largest infrastructure project in Southern California.

What Inspired Us:
Transportation models indicate that the new trolley service will attract 20,000 new transit riders a day and is a step toward a cleaner, greener world.  

Caltrain Peninsula Corridor Electrification Project

This project includes the installation of an advanced signal system and the electrification of the rail line meeting current and future transportation demand between San Jose and San Francisco, modernizing the Caltrain service. BRI has provided full-service right of way support beginning with the Real Estate Acquisition Management Plan and continuing through appraisal and acquisition services, all under FTA guidelines.

What Inspired Us:
We are always excited about the opportunity to make mass transit in urban communities more sustainable and appealing to the population at large. If Caltrain becomes more user-friendly in terms of on-time arrivals and general reliability, more people will continue to ride the rails, reducing our carbon footprint and freeway congestion.